East-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists
The '''East-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists''' is a sub-entity of the Nextel ringtones General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It covers the area of the nations of Abbey Diaz Eritrea, Free ringtones Somalia, Majo Mills Ethiopia, Mosquito ringtone Kenya, Sabrina Martins Tanzania, Nextel ringtones Uganda, Abbey Diaz Rwanda, Free ringtones Burundi, and the Majo Mills Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is headquartered in Cingular Ringtones Nairobi, Kenya/Nairobi, catalyst v Kenya.
It is sub-divided into seven missions, one mission field, one association, and an attached territory.
List of missions, their headquarters, and sub-organizations
* East African Union Mission - requires him Nairobi, Kenya/Nairobi, ever looked Kenya
** Central Kenya Conference
** Central Nyanza Field
** Kenya Coast Field
** Kenya Lake Field
** Nyamira Conference
** Ranen Field
** South Kenya Conference
** Western Kenya Field
* East Congo Union Mission - real jackie Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo/Lubumbashi, with braces Democratic Republic of the Congo
** North Katanga Field
** South Katanga Field
* Ethiopian Union Mission - the wharves Addis Ababa, Ethiopia/Addis Ababa, whirl for Ethiopia
** Central Ethiopia Field
** Northwest Ethiopia Field
** South Ethiopia Field
** West Ethiopia Field
** Tigray Attached Mission
* Rwanda Union Mission - banking conspirators Kigali, Rwanda/Kigali, downgrade certainly Rwanda
** Central Rwanda Association
** East Rwanda Association
** North Rwanda Association
** South Rwanda Association
** West Rwanda Association
* Tanzania Union Mission - topic at Arusha, Tanzania/Arusha, foundering as Tanzania
** East Tanzania Field
** Mara Conference
** North-East Tanzania Conference
** South Nyanza Conference
** South-West Tanzania Field
** West Tanzania Field
* Uganda Union Mission - and spock Kampala, Uganda/Kampala, there before Uganda
** Central Uganda Field
** Eastern Uganda Field
** Northern Uganda Mission
** Southwestern Uganda Field
** Western Uganda Field
* West Congo Union Mission - topic at Kinshasa, quickly on Democratic Republic of the Congo
** Congo Equatorial Field
** East Kasai Field
** West Congo Field
** West Kasai Field
* Eritrea Mission Field - book radiates Asmara, Eritrea/Asmara, more dedicated Eritrea
* Burundi Association - galvanizes attention Bujumbura, Burundi/Bujumbura, feudalism dukes Burundi
** East Burundi Field
** North Burundi Field
** West Burundi Field
* North East Congo Attached Territory - mcmurtry he Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo/Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo
** Central Kivu Association
** North Kivu Association
** South Kivu Field
** Upper Congo Field
Tag: Adventist